Published 24/03/2021 by Josh Tucker

In March 2021 we ran a survey, asking for some feedback from our members and gave them the chance to enter a prize draw, by answering the following question "What is your top winning tip for new compers".

We received some great responses and we have selected our five favourite tips (with each winner receiving a $50 GiftPay Gift Card) and now it is time to share the best answers with you. 

We also added some runner up entries, which we thought were very good, but unfortunately, we only had 5 prizes to give out but we though we would still share their tips with you as well.

The best competition winning tips for new compers

  • Enter as many competitions as possible, the more competitions you enter the greater your chance to win something. I would enter 500 competitions once rather than 1 competition 500 times. (Dane Callaghan)
  • The law of averages says you should win something sometime. Enter anything that has a prize you like and you should win something before too long. (Karen Neville)
  • Remember the competitions that you entered today may not be drawn for many months, so keep comping and don't give up, even if you don't win right away. (Shane Brown)
  • Diversify! The more comps the better! Set aside an hour a week to enter as many different competitions as you can, you gotta be in it to win it! (Rebecca Peet)
  • Stay positive. Nobody likes a sob story. Talk about what fantastic adventures you will go on. Dream big! (Jessie Newton)

The other top winning tips for new compers

  • To regularly enter as many as you can and to keep your word entries as unique and interesting as possible.
  • Enter lots of different comps... you never know when your name will be drawn... it's fun, not a chore.
  • Enter as many competitions as you can and use sites like Compaigns to give you the advantage
  • You have to be in it to win it! Enter all competitions that interest you, even if you think you don't have a chance of winning!
  • Set a regular time each day to enter competitions.
  • Read the instructions carefully and enter a range of competitions to ensure your strike rate is higher.
  • Be prepared to subscribe to newsletters as you can unsubscribe at any time.
  • Be original. Use your own experiences in your answer. Make the judges laugh. Never, never give up!!

Congratulations to all of our winners and thank you to everyone for sharing their competition winning tips.

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